"Every render a movie, every movie an emotion"

About Us
Every render a movie, every movie an emotion.
Tutte le produzioni Rendergraph nascono seguendo il concetto del marketing emozionale secondo cui l'emozione fissa il ricordo; quello che nello spettatore suscita interesse a livello emotivo facilita il passaggio delle informazioni appena acquisite in una zona della mente detta memoria a lungo termine, luogo deputato alla conservazione dei ricordi.
All Rendergraph productions are created by following the emotional marketing concept according to which the emotion fixes the memory; whatever arouses interest in the spectator at an emotional level helps the information which has just been obtained to get to a certain part of the mind called long-term memory, which is in charge of keeping memories.
…when presenting a project means an important step towards it's realization
La consolidata esperienza nel campo, della cinematografia, del marketing e della computer graphics ci permette di proporre audiovisivi e immagini che riescono a lasciare un ricordo positivo e duraturo nella mente dello spettatore. Tutte le produzioni Rendergraph nascono infatti seguendo il concetto del marketing emozionale secondo cui l'emozione fissa il ricordo.
The consolidated experience in the cinematography, in marketing sector, in computer graphic, allows us to produce videos and images which are able bring positive and lasting memories in the spectator's mind. All Rendergraph productions are in fact created by following the emotional marketing concept according to which the emotion fixes the memory.
Digital imaging, movie and video shooting, Drone/Helicam aerial shooting, marketing instruments
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1052 Projects
349 Clients
Our Services
All you need for a clever presentation
Digital Image
Movie and video shooting
Drone/Helicam Shooting
Marketing Instruments
Please contact Us. We will support your commercial activities.
Commercial information:   |
gallelli@rendergraph.com |
Technical support:   |
ferrari@rendergraph.com |